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Creating a little magic every day, be it with illustration, fabric or flowers

I have been creating art of some sort for as long as I can remember,  from sand saucer garden, dolls cloths and drawing. It was often remarked on that I was away with the faeries , well now I have made a career from it as many of the work  I do has some form of magic to it.

I have trained as a florist, to many years ago to mention,  but my passion for fabric and my desire to be a dress designer saw me creating costumes mainly with a faerie theme, though quite a number of rock and roll  skirts and petticoats have also been sewn along the way.

35 years after leaving college, singing schools out for ever, I decided to return and get a little more serious about my art.

Having achieved mastercraft in illustration I furthered that with a children's writing course.

Now having achieved quite a body of work and more than a few skills it is time to share with those who find something of interest in my  Faerie Glen.

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